Boat Rally on The River Shannon and its lakes

Ten days of a boating adventure on the Shannon and its Lakes. An outdoor sailing, cruising canoeing, swimming, singing, barbecuing, water sports, boating competitions, talent shows, packed holiday for families. From grandparents to babies all the family can enjoy a fun-filled intensive outdoor healthy holiday on the Shannon. Creating memories of a lifetime, never to be forgotten.


Itinerary subject to change due to weather or for safety reasons




Friday 26th July Meet and Greet – Lanesborough  
Saturday 27th July Fleet musters at Lanesborough Ecumenical Service
Cheese & Wine
Official Opening & Commodores Address
Live Music
Sunday 28th July Cruise to Portrunny Sign up for Competitions
Adult Drama Workshop
Junior Rib Challenge
Table Quiz
Monday 29th July Fleet rests in Portrunny Junior Rib Challenge
Young Mariner & Crewmanship Competitions
Starred Competitions Begin
Children’s Crafts – Face Painting workshop
Children & Adults Fancy Dress
Tuesday 30th July Cruise to Lough Ree Yacht Club Starred Competitions En Route
Children’s Crafts
History Talk
Karaoke Night
Wednesday 31st July Fleet rests at Lough Ree Yacht Club Try a Sail & Sailing Competitions
Commando Competition
Kids Lego Workshop
BBQ & Rock n Roll Bingo Night
Thursday 1st August Cruise to Coosan Point Sailing
Children’s Crafts
RNLI 200 Anniversary Event – Live Music
Friday 2nd August Fleet rests at Coosan Point Landsports & Watersports
Rowing Lessons for Adults
Younger Kids RIB Workshop
Kids & Adults Talent show
Saturday 3rd August Cruise to Athlone Town Presentation of Prizes
Sunday 4th August Fleet rests in Athlone Town: Dinner Dance in The Radisson
Champagne Reception at 7pm in Hotel
Presentation of Prizes
Live Music
Monday 5th August Farewell, and happy sailing