Correction:  Tullamore Regeneration Framework does NOT include Tullamore Harbour as we stated previously.  Tullamore Harbour Development is now called Project E, as reported in the Offaly Express/Tullamore Tribune on June 13 2023. 

Six exciting projects will change face of Offaly town

SIX projects are currently progressing in Tullamore which are set to change the face of the town.

The initiatives have been approved under the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government Urban Regeneration and Development Fund with approval received in May to progress the six Projects to the next stage.

Project A: O’Connor Square to Church Street Link, Urban Garden, Civic Space & Remote Working Hub. This will link O’Connor Square and Market Square over the Tullamore River.

Senior Executive Officer with Offaly County Council, Jean Ryan said it will, ”provide open space which will act as a pivotal connection between the two key squares, build on the existing remote working facilities in Tullamore with innovation space in the town centre and contribute greatly to placemaking.” The tender for the appointment of the Consultants for the design and construction management of the Project was published on June 9.

Project B: Will provide a new street linking High Street to the rear of O’Connor Square with the intention of improving permeability from High Street and open up the rear of the square to development opportunities. It has received approval to tender for a Contractor for the works. This is scheduled for this month.

Project C: Meath Lane will provide an additional pedestrian route in the town and access to the amphitheatre of the newly opened Esker Arts. Offaly County Council has received approval to tender for these works.

Project D: Tullamore Regeneration Framework is to deliver a vision for Tullamore to 2040, a public realm and regeneration and renewal framework by both the public and private sectors for Tullamore and a strategy for sustainable access. This is progressing to the first public consultation by the appointed consultants Brady Shipman Martin.

The online survey is seeking the views of towns people for the future of Tullamore Town Centre. This is ongoing and Offaly County Council would like to hear from all stakeholders within the local community of Tullamore.

Ms Ryan said, ”the feedback that we will receive will help shape the future of Tullamore.” The survey is open until June 19. It is available on

Project E: The Tullamore Harbour Development Options Masterplan for the Grand Canal Harbour in Tullamore is ongoing by the appointed consultants Grafton Architects and will provide Offaly County Council and partners Waterways Ireland detailed economic analysis of development options for the site.

Project F: Acres’ Folly Enhancements. This will allow for public viewing across Lloyd Park and the town of Tullamore offering an important local and national focal point for this historic property encouraging the regeneration of its original purpose as designed by the former property developer Thomas Acre. Phase 1 and 2 was funded by the Historic Structures Fund and Creative Ireland Funding. This went towards repairing the existing structure and internal viewing staircase. This is now complete.

Offaly County Council has received approval to tender for phase 3 landscaping works to the grounds around the folly and the former garden.


The closing date for the Tullamore Regeneration Framework Survey is June 19 2023

Pauline Byrne from Brady Shipman Martin said the project team commissioned by Offaly County Council, would like to hear the public views on what could enhance and improve Tullamore Town Centre.

“We would like to understand your aspirations for Tullamore and its future as a great place to live, work and visit’


Tadgh Carey of the Offaly Independent wrote on June 1 2023: 

Public views are now being sought on the future of Tullamore town as part of a major plan to breathe new life into the centre of the town.

Offaly County Council and consultants Brady Shipman Martin are conducting an online survey to gather information and feedback from the public.

The feedback is part of the process of preparing the Tullamore Regeneration Framework, a blueprint for the future development of the centre of Tullamore

The council said it wanted to ensure that the Regeneration Framework meets the aspirations of the whole community and therefore would like to hear from all stakeholders within the local community of Tullamore – from local residents, traders, business owners, shopkeepers to young people, students, senior citizens, community groups and clubs.

Any individual or interested parties can make a submission either through this online platform, or in writing to Offaly County Council: Tullamore Regeneration Framework, Offaly County Council, Town Hall, Cormac Street, Tullamore or by email:

Submissions can be made during the public consultation period which will run until June 9

Cllr Neil Feighery, Cathaoirleach of Tullamore Municipal District of Offaly County Council, welcomed the first public consultation in the project.

“The Tullamore Regeneration Framework provides immense opportunity to Tullamore to reimagine and reinvigorate our County Town. It will strive to reveal the spirit of the town through an integrated approach encompassing design, planning, heritage, mobility and sustainability.”

Pauline Byrne from BSM said the project team commissioned by Offaly County Council, would like to hear the public views on what could enhance and improve Tullamore Town Centre.

“We would like to understand your aspirations for Tullamore and its future as a great place to live, work and visit’

The survey can be accessed via as well as the Council’s social media feeds, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. People are encouraged to share the survey with as many friends and colleagues as possible. The survey closes on Friday, June 9.

The council has previously said that a key element of the regeneration plan will be to focus on eight “opportunity sites” in the town.

The sites were listed by the council previously as: Grand Canal Harbour site; former ‘Texas’ site; Lands behind High St/O’Moore St; Lands south of O’Connor Square; Railway lands; Coen Site; Lands behind the Court House; and Tanyard lands.

These opportunity site have the potential to be redeveloped “as high density mixed-use developments.

Tadhg Carey   Published: Thu 1 Jun 2023, 12:44 PM


Before Covid times, Tullamore Harbour was one of the favourite places for IWAI members to visit by barge and boat, when traversing to and from Dublin and Kildare along the Grand Canal and the Barrow Line.  Here are a few photos from the IWAI archives. 

Inner Harbour when the Rolts visited in 1946

Boat Rally in 1977 from the Ruth Delany Archive

Boat Rally in 2008

Banjos and Boats in 2012