Naas North West Quadrant – Masterplan – Competition
Kildare County Council’s Competition for a mixed-use development masterplan, has a deadline of Oct 13 2023.
The Naas North West Quadrant includes the Canal Quarter; this encompasses the current Harbour, Naas Canal and the start of the Corbally Canal. This development is deemed to be the largest project in County Kildare in a town that offers ‘an excellent quality of life and an attractive place to live, work and visit’.
‘The preparation of a Framework Masterplan for Naas’s Northwest Quadrant is a specific objective of the Naas Local Area Plan 2021-2027 (the “Naas LAP”) which has been prepared in the context of the National Planning Framework, the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy and the Kildare County Development Plan 2023-2029.’

Taken from the Naas Local Area Plan 2021-2027
Naas Area around Canal by J Nevrkla
Naas Local Area Plan 2021-2027

Naas Harbour Autumn 2016 by J Moloney