The Executive Summary in the Due Diligence Synopsis Report, an assessment and project initiation document for a Customer Relationship Management system, from Beacon  dated Nov 2023 states:

Subject to this due diligence report, the BeaconCRM membership project was authorised and endorsed for continuation at the IWAI Council meeting held in Belturbet by the IWAI Executive, on 21st October 2023. Details of the decision are listed in 7.1 of the Council meeting minutes document.

This document is a working instrument to furnish the requisite governance and frameworks for successfully implementing a state-of-the-art CRM system to manage the Inland Waterways Association of Ireland (IWAI) membership. This report aims to scrutinise BeaconCRM as the proposed client service provider and establish the coordination efforts required to implement a new CRM system for IWAI and its members.

Issue one of this report suggest that BeaconCRM is a fit-for-purpose service provider for IWAI. Issue two of this report is due to feedback from Haley Medlock, the Cotswolds Dogs and Cats Home Charity, UK. This inclusion is presented in Section 3.3.2 and reinforces the findings that BeaconCRM is a fit-for-purpose service provider for IWAI.