Minister Darragh O’Brien, Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage, stated on Oct 5 2023 –

‘Waterways Ireland proposes to update the Shannon Bye-laws and Canal Bye-laws which are more than 30 years old and no longer fit for purpose. The needs of users have changed, environmental landscape and health and safety considerations have developed significantly and the waterways themselves have been transformed over the past thirty years. The purpose of updating the Bye-laws is to make the waterways safer for those using the waterways, Blueways and Greenways, and continue to provide a wonderful recreational experience for everyone to enjoy.

A public consultation on draft revisions to the Bye-laws commenced on 19 June 2023 and remains open for submissions. I understand that Waterways Ireland has agreed to extend the consultation closing date to facilitate greater public engagement, and an announcement will be made to that effect very shortly.’   ………………

…………  ‘The Principles and Guidelines as devised by the Department of Public Enterprise and Reform in 2016 and the Guide for the Inclusive Community Engagement published by the Department of Rural and Community Development in February 2023, have been followed by Waterways Ireland in respect of the Public Consultation process for the review of the Byelaws.’