An opportunity to have your views included in the Confey Masterplan

There is a proposed Amendment to the Confey Leixlip LAP 2020-2023 (extended to 2026) which includes the the Draft Confey Masterplan.   The Consultation process is open until Feb 6 2024. 

The Confey Site under discussion slopes from the south to the north-west. The Royal Canal is at the southern boundary of the Confey lands with St. Catherine’s Park located to the south east, across the canal and rail line.

Confey Masterplan

This diagram from the Masterplan Arup document,  shows the area marked in blue stripes. 

While the Draft Masterplan mentions the two new pedestrian bridges over the canal and the Greenway as important amenity links, the canal as a Recreation, Residential and Tourist amenity for residents and visitors, is not mentioned. 

The needs of Residential, Recreational and Touring boats are taken into account in Kildare County Council’s current Local Area Plan but not in this Confey Masterplan.    

This is a serious oversight.  It can be corrected by our submitting the needs and contributions of these growing vibrant communities in Confey and elsewhere on Kildare Canals.

Submission from IWAI Royal Canal and IWAI Nav-Watch