Annual CSIG Meeting at Dunrovin 15th February 2025, at 1100 hours
Come and be introduced to the new version of these now indispensable charts. There are lots of new functions, many more new soundings, new areas to discover, metric or imperial depth choices, navigation updates, more details and extensions to the Barrow, the Erne, Lough Ree and Lough Derg.
There is a new Guide to help you through the preparation and download of the charts to your chosen device, Android, iOS, Mac or Windows.
So come along, meet your team, and maybe consider helping if you wish.
Although you have to be a member of the IWAI to obtain the charts, if you know someone who might like the charts, please bring them along to the meeting, there will be facilities to join on the day and get the charts.
See you on the day, Dunrovin, 15th February, 1100 hours.
Please forward this to anyone who may be interested.