The Joint Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage discussed the proposed changes to the navigation Bye Laws for the Canals, the Barrow Navigation and the Shannon on Thursday Sep 21 2023.

In wrapping up the submissions and the discussion that ensued, Joe Flaherty TD stated: 

Obviously they have to go back and deliberate.  However, if they could contact the committee and advise how long they are giving for the extension to the consultation period, that would be very good. We will discuss this in our meeting next week.

I was going to recommend at that meeting that we ask the Minister to pause the bye laws but in light of what has been said today, and the extension on the consultation period, I am happy with that and for the various groups to come back in.

As we have two distinct bye laws here, we need a session on the River Shannon and a distinct session on the Canals. Arising from that, I hope we can make our own agreed submissions to both of those consultations. That would be a meaningful resolution to this from our point of view

Oireachtas Meeting Thursday Sep 21 2023 on Draft Bye Laws for Canals and Shannon

The Joint Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage met at 1500 hrs at Leinster House, live on Oireachtas TV, for two sessions:

  • Proposed changes to the River Shannon, Grand and Royal Canal and Barrow Navigation Bye Laws
  • Update on the Tenant in Situ purchase, cost rental and Local Authority Purchase schemes from the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage. 

Committee Cathaoirleach, Deputy Steven Matthews stated regarding the Bye Laws:

“…. the Committee will discuss the proposed new River Shannon, Grand and Royal Canal and Barrow Navigation bye laws with key stakeholders. These are designed to update the current laws which date from the 1980s, before the establishment of Waterways Ireland, and which are no longer considered fit for purpose in light of the developments and changes that have taken place over the last four decades.”

Opening Statements & Submissions on the Bye Laws were made by Jerry Gleeson Irish Residential Boat Owners Association, Éanna Rowe Operations Controller Waterways Ireland and Derek Whelan Royal Canal Amenity Group 

The Oireachtas Discussion Minutes contains contributions from the Oireachtas Committee Members and James Lawless TD Kildare, plus answers to the questions posed by the Committee were given by Liam Finnegan, Niall Galway, Jerry Gleeson, Patrick Harkin, Éanna Rowe and Derek Whelan. 

Heritage Act – Canals 2018 was enacted by the Oireachtas on July 18 2018 and sets out the ‘power of Waterways Ireland to make Bye Laws’