History Of the Slaney Branch

The Slaney branch of the IWAI was formed in 1989 at Wexford Harbour Boat Club. At that time most boating tended to be focused around Wexford Harbour and the southeast coast. Their was very little activity on the beautiful, wildlife rich stretch of the Slaney upriver from Wexford. 

The aim of the branch was to improve facilities for going ashore at the Heritage Park, Killurin, Enniscorthy and other sites of interest along the Slaney.


Cecil Miller aboard Calloo at Kilurin

The Slaney branch focused on the river from Bunclody to Wexford Harbour. Depending on the tide, the stretch from Wexford to Enniscorthy can be suitable for navigation by boats with a draught of up to three feet, while the Enniscorthy to Bunclody stretch is suitable for Canoes and other small craft that can negotiate the rapids.

The new branch would also help to introduce members to the other inland waterways of the country through lectures and rallies.

The key founding figure behind the of the Slaney Branch was Cecil Miller late of Calloo and many Shannon Rally’s.

Early Committee Members
Jim Reidy (Treasurer), David Killeen (President), Paddy Hatton (Chairman), Peter Hussey (Secretary)

In the previous years Cecil, with the help of Wexford Sea Scouts and many other volunteers, produced the “Slaney Guide” with navigational charts and notes on the Wildlife and history of the navigable stretch of the Slaney. (This is available from the secretary for €7.00, it is intended to make this available online in the future).

The Branch holds a weekend rally every year, this alternates between the Slaney and the “Three Sisters” (the rivers Barrow, Nore & Suir). Dinghy rallies are also held to explore old canals and water ways in the region.