Please click on the links below and watch some events members have attended
Lough Corrib ( Sherwood Three) August 2011
Shannon River Run 2011 April & MAy 2011
Larson out for a spin, December 2010
Lily the pink – Derg, October 2010
P750 European Championships, October 2010
21 Sport Cat on Lough Derg, October 2010. The camera is looking down the tunnel for the first 2 mins, then it’s remounted on the bow.
Tremlett 15, Cardiff August 2010. Take a ride aboard the masters craft!
Power Boat Racing Haughtons Shore, July 2010
West Wind on the River Suir, June 2010.
21 Sport Cat on Lough Corrib, April 2010.
The three amigos on Lough Corrib, April 2010
West Wind tries Tosh the Splosh in Cardiff, August 2009
Tremlett 15 on parade at Cardiff Bay Classic Boat Rally, August 2009
If you have any video footage that you think is appropriate please send us the link and we can add it here