Covid-19 – IWAI Guidance – 3 July 2020
We continue to advise all members to heed the advice from the relevant authorities and to
follow the public health guidance as determined by the governments in both jurisdictions.
Published government documents detailing the easing of restrictions:
ROI Roadmap for Reopening Businesses and Society
NI Coronavirus – Our Approach to Decision Making Summary
The Department of Health is leading the government response in Ireland to COVID-19 and
are providing up to date information and advice on it’s website at
Waterways Ireland has published its own roadmaps for the reopening of the navigations.
There is one for the Republic of Ireland and one for Northern Ireland.
Since Monday 29 June, all travel restrictions on the island of Ireland have been lifted and
waterways have reopened with reduced hours for locks and bridges. All public service blocks
remain closed.
While social boating is now possible, people should only boat with members of their own
household. Continue to pay particular attention to correct hand hygiene, cleaning of
surfaces, cough/sneeze etiquette and physical distancing (social distancing) – keeping 2m
between yourself and anyone not living in the same house / flat / boat as you.
IWAI has released an infographic on social distancing while boating.
Branches can only meet using technology e.g. skype/zoom meetings, conference calls, email
discussions, whatsapp discussions.
Indoor gatherings of up to 50 persons and outdoor gatherings of up to 200 persons are now
permitted whilst maintaining social distancing and all other public health measures.
However all IWAI organised events, with the exception of work parties, remain postponed
and any events that do take place may not be covered by IWAI insurance at this time.
If a Branch wishes to organise a work party they must contact the Vice President in advance.
If you are feeling unwell, with a fever and/or cough, stay at home and phone your GP.
Executive will update this guidance as the situation develops but it is essential that
members keep themselves informed using the information at the links above.