Marine Notice No 71 of 2020

Grand Canal

Navigation Closure

Levels C3 & C4 Mespil Road, Dublin

From 21st September 2020


Waterways Ireland wishes to notify navigation users on the Grand Canal in Dublin that Levels C3 & C4 will be closed to navigation from 21st September 2020. 

This is due to repair works to Lock C4 at Mespil Road, which are planned to start on this date.  No further boat passages in / out of Dublin past these levels will be possible from 21st September for the remainder of the 2020 boating season, and local boat movements through these locks will not be possible until late December. 

There will also be restrictions to pedestrian movements in the area of Lock C4 due to the ongoing works.

Waterways Ireland apologise for any inconvenience caused by these works.

Patrick Harkin

Inspector of Navigation

20 August 2020