MARINE NOTICE No. 14 of 2021
Shannon Navigation & Shannon Erne Waterway
Extension of Winter Mooring period until 30 April 2021

Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all Masters of vessels and water users on
the Shannon Navigation and Shannon Erne Waterway that:

1. The Winter Mooring period on the Shannon Navigation and Shannon Erne
Waterway has been extended until 30 April 2021. There will be no additional
cost for this extension.
2. All Locks on the Shannon Navigation and Shannon Erne Waterway remain
closed until further notice.
3. All service blocks on the Shannon Navigation and Shannon Erne Waterway
remain closed until further notice.

Waterways Ireland is encouraging all users of our navigations not to take
part in any activity on the water in order to comply with Government

Waterways Ireland thanks all vessel owners and operators for their
co-operation in relation to this matter. 

P Harkin
Inspector of Navigation
30 March 2021