MARINE NOTICE No. 100 of 202
Shannon Navigation, Shannon Erne Waterway, Royal Canal, Grand Canal, Barrow Line and Navigation
Reopening of navigations from 03 December 2020
Waterways Ireland wishes to advise all Masters of vessels and waterway users that the following reopening of facilities will occur on Thursday 03 December 2020.
Navigational Use
- Shannon Navigation – Locks and Bridges will be open on Winter Hours. Times are available on the Waterways Ireland website. There continues to be no charge for Lock passage.
- Shannon Navigation – Vessels can avail of the Winter Moorings facility by applying online.
- Shannon Erne Waterway – Locks will be open, operating Hours – 09:00hrs to 16:00hrs daily.
- Shannon Navigation & Shannon- Erne Waterway – Waterways Ireland service blocks will re-open (only those that operate all year round)
- Grand Canal / Royal Canal / Barrow Line & Navigation – Normal winter arrangements will apply.
General Guidelines
- Navigation remains open within your home county until 18 December. From 18th Dec to 6th Jan 2021 the navigation is open outside of your home county.
- When on jetties please be aware of other users. Wait or move aside to allow others to pass at a safe distance.
- Observe social distancing protocols – keep a distance of at least 2m (6 feet) away from other people;
- Be mindful of others and act always with consideration and with respect and observe the leave no trace principles and protect our environment;
- Observe all health etiquettes when on the towpaths.
In all instances, social distancing must be maintained keeping your distance from both other people and moored boats. Please refer to your relevant representative body for guidance on the most appropriate health and safety precautions and advice.
Any updates to the situation will be communicated via the issue of Marine Notices, through our Waterways Ireland Social Media channels and website. Should you need our assistance please do contact us by email at or by phone
Waterways Ireland thanks all vessel owners and operators for their co-operation in relation to this matter.
P Harkin
Inspector of Navigation
02 December 2020