MARINE NOTICE No.45 of 2020




Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and users of the Shannon-Erne Waterway of the following information regarding the reopening of the Locks from 8th June 2020:


Lock Operating Hours

8th June – 19th July       9am – 5pm daily

20th July – 9th August 9am – 6pm daily

10th August onwards   9am – 8pm daily


Lock Passage

Lock passage shall be free from the 8th June – 9th August as no units shall be deducted from the smart card during a lock operation. A smart card shall be required to operate the lock at all times to facilitate a lock passage.


Waterway Patrollers

Should you require assistance please contact the following:-

Ballyconnell Waterway Patroller       +353 87 2603662

Kilclare Waterway Patroller   +353 87 2603663


Smart Cards

Please note, Waterway Patrollers will be unable to sell smart cards to our customers at this time.  Smart cards are to be purchased in advanced of embarking on a journey. Smart Cards can be purchased on Waterways Ireland’s web shop or from designated retail outlets along the waterway. 


For further information visit


P Harkin

Inspector of Navigation

03 June 2020

Tel: + 353 87 9852324