MARINE NOTICE No 11 of 2020



Update on Irish Water sewer repair works between Locks 1 & 2, Inchicore area

As an update to Notices 76 & 81 of 2019 Waterways Ireland wishes to advise its users that the Grand Canal between Locks 1 & 2 is now fully closed to navigation passage, as Irish Water has now commenced the permanent repair works to the collapsed sewer at this point. Further investigation at the time had identified major repair works required to the sewer, which led to additional time in appointing a contractor for the permanent repair works. Irish Water are aware of the need to complete repairs and restore navigation for the 2020 season and are working towards this date with their contractor.  But as the works to the sewer are weather dependent, Waterways Ireland are not in a position to give a definitive date for navigation re-opening at this stage.

Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their ongoing understanding in this matter.

Patrick Harkin

Inspector of Navigation

12 Feb 2020