MARINE NOTICE No. 101 of 2019

Shannon Navigation


Installation of water level and flow meters


Waterways Ireland wishes to advise masters and owners that 4 water level and current recorders/meters are in place close to, or in the Navigation in Limerick City with an additional 1 meter located further downstream in the Shannon Estuary (which is outside the navigational remit of Waterways Ireland).


  • Two recorders are located either side of Sarsfield bridge are bottom mounted to a depth of 2m water at low water and are buoyed to the surface. These should not hinder the main navigation but other boat and recreational users are advised to exercise caution if passing these units.
  • The recorder in the Abbey River and the one located furthest upstream (Thomond Weir/Salmon Bridge) are both bottom mounted units, anchored with ground ropes to the shore, so have no navigational interference, but all users are advised to exercise caution if passing these units. 
  • The downstream tide level recorder in the estuary is located close to a reef, not in the channel and has no surface marker so is not a navigational hazard, but all users are advised to exercise caution if passing this area. 
  • All five recorders will be fully removed on or after the 25th September 2019.

Waterways Ireland thanks its customers for their cooperation.


P Harkin

Inspector of Navigation

16 September 2019